I am well-versed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other cutting-edge frameworks and libraries, allowing me to implement interactive features. Additionally, I have extensive experience with backend technologies such as Node.js, Express, and databases like MongoDB and SQL, ensuring comprehensive and efficient web applications. I also have experience working with content management systems (CMS) like WordPress.
Transforming ideas into reality with a blend of frontend and backend technologies.
This project was carried out during the training
Let's explore the latest trends and technologies, from the mountains of code to the valleys of innovations.
Les applications web progressives, ou PWA (Progressive Web Applications), sont en train de transformer le paysage du développement web.
Dans le monde en constante évolution du développement logiciel, la conteneurisation a émergé comme une solution puissante pour le déploiement d'applications.
Le monde du développement web évolue à une vitesse fulgurante, avec de nouvelles technologies et frameworks qui apparaissent régulièrement.
Driven by passion and dedication, I thrive on turning ideas into reality and bringing projects to life. Let's create something amazing together.
Hire meI'm here to answer your questions and discuss your project needs. Let's start a conversation!
53 Rue Toulouse lautrec Saint-girons 09200